The Relationship Between Station Popularity and Trip Duration


Here is an hypothesis about bike trips:

"There is a negative association between urban density and duration of bike trips. Stations in dense urban areas with lots of commuters are very highly-traveled, and commuters tend to take very short trips. Stations in less-urban areas have fewer trips (since these areas are less populated), but a larger proportion of these are longer excursions. Therefore, there is a negative non-causal association between station popularity and average trip duration."

How might we use data to test that hypothesis?

A scatter plot of the stations, showing trip count against average duration, would be a fine place to start. To do that, we'll need a table that looks something like this, but filled in:

Start Station Average trip duration Number of trips

We can begin by using group to identify the most highly used Start Station:

starts ='Start Station').sort('count', descending=True)
starts.barh("Start Station", "count")

The largest number of trips started at the Caltrain Station on Townsend and 4th in San Francisco. Many trips also start at the Ferry Building, which is the first BART station for passengers from the East Bay. People take the train into the city, and then use a shared bike to get to their next destination.

We can again use group to compute the average (mean) duration of trips from each station:

duration_by_station ='Start Station', 'Duration')\
                           .group('Start Station', np.mean)\
                           .sort("Duration mean")\
                           .relabeled("Duration mean", "Average trip duration")
Start Station Average trip duration
2nd at Folsom 543.396
Temporary Transbay Terminal (Howard at Beale) 612.622
Townsend at 7th 626.133
San Francisco Caltrain 2 (330 Townsend) 660.838
2nd at South Park 691.807
Howard at 2nd 697.077
2nd at Townsend 719.057
Beale at Market 736.002
Broadway St at Battery St 787.533
Embarcadero at Folsom 788.385

... (60 rows omitted)

duration_by_station.barh("Start Station", "Average trip duration")

Putting the data together

Now we will need to put both the trip count and average trip duration in the same table. Later, you may learn about a method called join that can perform tasks like this. However, we can do it with apply by following these steps:

  1. Write a function that takes a single station name and returns the trip count for that station. It will use where to look up the trip count in the starts table we previously computed.
  2. apply this function to the "Start Station" column in duration_by_station.
  3. Add the resulting array of trip counts to duration_by_station as a new column.
# Step one:
def find_trip_count(station_name):
    return starts.where("Start Station", are.equal_to(station_name)).column("count").item(0)

# Step two:
counts = duration_by_station.apply(find_trip_count, "Start Station")

# Step three:
durations_and_counts = duration_by_station.with_column("Number of trips", counts)
Start Station Average trip duration Number of trips
2nd at Folsom 543.396 7999
Temporary Transbay Terminal (Howard at Beale) 612.622 14436
Townsend at 7th 626.133 13752
San Francisco Caltrain 2 (330 Townsend) 660.838 21758
2nd at South Park 691.807 9469
Howard at 2nd 697.077 6660
2nd at Townsend 719.057 14026
Beale at Market 736.002 8359
Broadway St at Battery St 787.533 7676
Embarcadero at Folsom 788.385 7596

... (60 rows omitted)

Now we can use scatter.

durations_and_counts.scatter("Number of trips", "Average trip duration")

For stations with a very small number of trips, the average trip duration is sometimes quite high. Otherwise, the graph is somewhat flat, with perhaps a slight downward trend.

This establishes the second part of our hypothesis: there is a negative association between station popularity (number of trips) and average trip duration. To gather evidence for the first part of our hypothesis -- that there is a negative assocation between urban density and average trip duration -- we need to verify that the stations with high average trip durations are near urban areas.

We could use the optional labels argument to label the points in the plot.

durations_and_counts.scatter("Number of trips", "Average trip duration", labels="Start Station")

Unfortunately, even if you happen to know the Bay Area well, there are too many points to get an overall picture of where the low-trip stations tend to be.

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